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Normal female infants born of mothers with classic congenital adrenal hyperplasia due to 21-hydroxylase deficiency. Lo JC, Schwitzgebel VM, Tyrrell JB, et al. Pregnancy, delivery and neonatal outcomes among women with congenital adrenal hyperplasia: a study of a large US database. 70(6):833-7.īadeghiesh A, Ismail S, Baghlaf H, Suarthana E, Dahan MH. Reassessing fecundity in women with classical congenital adrenal hyperplasia (CAH): normal pregnancy rate but reduced fertility rate. 345-8.Ĭasteras A, De Silva P, Rumsby G, et al.

Successful live birth in a woman with 17 alpha hydroxylase deficiency through IVF frozen-thawed embryo transfer.